1562 words
8 minutes
DHCPPP, PlaidCTF 2024


This writeup is also present in my team’s website here.


Investigation Title. DHCPPP
Reporter. anish
Type. Dance Competition
Description. The local latin dance company is hosting a comp. They have a million-dollar wall of lava lamps and prizes so big this must be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Hypotheses. It's not DNS // There's no way it's DNS // It was DNS
nc 1337


  • We are presented a server using ChaCha20-Poly1305. We need to change the value of the variable dns.nameservers, but we can only do that by sending an encrypted message.

  • The key and nonce are both reused, allowing us to create valid tags for any message and therefore encrypt messages.

Code Analysis#

This server allows us to connect to a TCP connection and send packets:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dhcp = DHCPServer()
    flagserver = FlagServer(dhcp)

    while True:
        pkt = bytes.fromhex(input("> ").replace(" ", "").strip())

        out = dhcp.process_pkt(pkt)
        if out is not None:

        out = flagserver.process_pkt(pkt)
        if out is not None:

Each packet will be processed by the DHCPServer and FlagServer and the responses are printed out.


The server constructor defines a list of IP addresses, a MAC address, a geteway IP, among others.

def __init__(self):
        self.leases = []
        self.ips = [f"192.168.1.{i}" for i in range(3, 64)]
        self.mac = bytes.fromhex("1b 7d 6f 49 37 c9")
        self.gateway_ip = ""

        self.leases.append(("", b"rngserver_0", time.time(), []))

To process each packet, we have:

def process_pkt(self, pkt):
        assert pkt is not None

        src_mac = pkt[:6]
        dst_mac = pkt[6:12]
        msg = pkt[12:]

        if dst_mac != self.mac:
            return None

        if src_mac == self.mac:
            return None

        if len(msg) and msg.startswith(b"\x01"):
            # lease request
            dev_name = msg[1:]
            lease_resp = self.get_lease(dev_name)
            return (
                self.mac +
                src_mac + # dest mac
            return None

Therefore, in order to get a response, msg must start with \x01. The content of dev_name is passed to the function get_lease:

def get_lease(self, dev_name):
        if len(self.ips) != 0:
            ip = self.ips.pop(0)
            self.leases.append((ip, dev_name, time.time(), []))
            # relinquish the oldest lease
            old_lease = self.leases.pop(0)
            ip = old_lease[0]
            self.leases.append((ip, dev_name, time.time(), []))

        pkt = bytearray(
            bytes([int(x) for x in ip.split(".")]) +
            bytes([int(x) for x in self.gateway_ip.split(".")]) +
            bytes([255, 255, 255, 0]) +
            bytes([8, 8, 8, 8]) +
            bytes([8, 8, 4, 4]) +
            dev_name +

        pkt = b"\x02" + encrypt_msg(pkt, self.get_entropy_from_lavalamps()) + calc_crc(pkt)

        return pkt

The functions appends dev_name into the leases list, takes the next IP from the ips list and uses that to generate a packet. The packet is then encrypted using the result from get_entropy_from_lavalamps as a key and a CRC code at the end:

def get_entropy_from_lavalamps(self):
        # Get entropy from all available lava-lamp RNG servers
        # Falling back to local RNG if necessary
        entropy_pool = RNG_INIT

        for ip, name, ts, tags in self.leases:
            if b"rngserver" in name:
                    # get entropy from the server
                    output = requests.get(f"http://{ip}/get_rng", timeout=TIMEOUT).text  
                    entropy_pool += sha256(output.encode())
                    # if the server is broken, get randomness from local RNG instead
                    entropy_pool += sha256(secrets.token_bytes(512))

        return sha256(entropy_pool)

We noticed that if the name of the lease doesn’t cointain rngserver, then the result will always be the same, since RNG_INIT is fixed. This ended up beeing the source of the vulnerability.


This server is very similar to the one before.

def __init__(self, dhcp):
        self.mac = bytes.fromhex("53 79 82 b5 97 eb")
        self.dns = dns.resolver.Resolver()

The flag is used when msg starts with \x03:

    def send_flag(self):
        with open("flag.txt", "r") as f:
            flag =
        curl("", f"/{flag}", self.dns)

    def process_pkt(self, pkt):
        assert pkt is not None

        src_mac = pkt[:6]
        dst_mac = pkt[6:12]
        msg = pkt[12:]

        if dst_mac != self.mac:
            return None

        if src_mac == self.mac:
            return None

        if len(msg) and msg.startswith(b"\x02"):
            # lease response
            pkt = msg[1:-4]
            pkt = decrypt_msg(pkt)
            crc = msg[-4:]
            assert crc == calc_crc(pkt)

            self.ip = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[0:4])
            self.gateway_ip = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[4:8])
            self.subnet_mask = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[8:12])
            self.dns1 = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[12:16])
            self.dns2 = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[16:20])
            self.dns.nameservers = [self.dns1, self.dns2]
            assert pkt.endswith(b"\x00")

            print("[FLAG SERVER] [DEBUG] Got DHCP lease", self.ip, self.gateway_ip, self.subnet_mask, self.dns1, self.dns2)

            return None

        elif len(msg) and msg.startswith(b"\x03"):
            # FREE FLAGES!!!!!!!
            return None

            return None

The flag is sent to<flag>. The domain is resolved using the dns object. Then, we must gain control of the nameserver of dns, so that resolves to a URL controlled by us, sending us the flag.

In order to change the dns.nameservers, we must send a message that starts with \x02. However, we cannot send our message directly, since it seems to be encrypted.


The server uses ChaCha20-Poly1305. We noticed that the nonce is equal to sha256(msg[:32] + nonce[:32])[:12]. However, we control msg, and the nonce is the result of get_entropy_from_lavalamps, therefore we can ensure that the nonce is always the same and use a reused-nonce attack.

We need to find a way of generating a valid tag for the encrypted message we want to send to FlagServer.

Poly1305 works by creating a polynomial over Fp\mathbb{F}_p, with prime p=21355p = 2^{135} - 5.

P(x)=n=1qcixqi(modp)P(x) = \sum_{n=1}^{q} c_ix^{q-i} \pmod p

where the cic_i‘s are the bytes of the message to be authenticated in 16-byte blocks.

The tag is then generated as:

tag=(P(r)+s)(mod2128)tag = (P(r) + s) \pmod{2^{128}}

where r,sr,s are the secret key values.

However, in our case, we can encrypt with constant key and nonce, therefore:

t=(n=1qcirqi(modp)+s)(mod2128)t = (\sum_{n=1}^{q} c_ir^{q-i} \pmod p + s) \pmod{2^{128}}

t=(n=1qcirqi(modp)+s)(mod2128)t' = (\sum_{n=1}^{q} c_i'r^{q-i} \pmod p + s) \pmod{2^{128}}

To get rid of (mod2128)\pmod {2^{128}}:

t=(n=1qcirqi(modp)+s)+k12128t = (\sum_{n=1}^{q} c_ir^{q-i} \pmod p + s) + k_1 \cdot 2^{128}

t=(n=1qcirqi(modp)+s)+k22128t' = (\sum_{n=1}^{q} c_i'r^{q-i} \pmod p + s) + k_2 \cdot 2^{128}

with 0k1,k250 \leq k1,k2 \leq 5. The possible values for each kik_i are small due to the fact that 32128p421283\cdot 2^{128} \leq p \leq 4\cdot 2^{128}. In order to get eliminate ss,

tt=n=1q(cici)rqi(modp)+(k1k2)2128t - t' = \sum_{n=1}^{q} (c_i - c_i')r^{q-i} \pmod p + (k_1 - k_2) \cdot 2^{128}

Therefore we can test the possible k1,k2k_1, k_2 values and solve for rr. By looking at the source code of the ChaCha20-Poly1305 libraries, we also added one extra test for r: r & 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff == r, as r is clamped before being used.

Once we know rr, we know ss, since

s=tagP(r)(mod2128)s = tag - P(r) \pmod{2^{128}}

Having this, we can then forge a valid tag for any message of our choice and therefore change the dns.nameservers variable and get the flag.

Solve Script#

from pwn import *
import hashlib
import requests
import zlib
from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20_Poly1305
import random
from Crypto.Util.number import *
context.log_level = 'critical'

r = remote('',1337)
#r = process('./')

data = r.recvline().decode()[:-1]
data = data.split(' ')
flag_mac = bytes.fromhex("53 79 82 b5 97 eb")
dhcp_mac = bytes.fromhex("1b 7d 6f 49 37 c9")
whatever_mac = bytes.fromhex("00 00 00 00 00 00")

def calc_crc(msg):
    return zlib.crc32(msg).to_bytes(4, "little")

P = 2**130- 5

def get_blocks(c):
    c = c + bytes.fromhex('000000000000000000002e00000000000000')
    real_c = []
    for i in range(0, len(c), 16):
        block = c[i:i+16]
        block = block + b'\x01'
        assert len(block) == 17
        real_c.append(int.from_bytes(block, byteorder='little'))

    return real_c

def tag(c, r, s):
    mod2 = 2**128
    real_c = get_blocks(c)
    c = real_c
    n = len(c)

    res = 0
    for i in range(n):
        res += c[i]
        res = (r*res) % P
    return (res + s) % mod2

def atk(pair1, pair2, nonce, m3):
    m1, c1, t1 = pair1
    m2, c2, t2 = pair2

    t1 = int.from_bytes(t1, byteorder='little')
    t2 = int.from_bytes(t2, byteorder='little')
    keystream = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(c1, m1))
    c3 = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(m3, keystream))

    for k1 in range(5):
        for k2 in range(5):
            t1_ = t1 + k1*2**128
            t2_ = t2 + k2*2**128
            deltat1 = (t2_-t1_)
            for i in range(4):
                guess = pow((deltat1 * inverse(K, P)), inverse(i, P-1), P)

                if guess & 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff == guess and guess != 1:
                    r = guess
                    print('Found r:', r)
                    s = tag(c1, r, 0) - t1 
                    t3 = tag(c3, r, s)
                    t3 = long_to_bytes(t3)[::-1]
                    return c3, t3

    assert False, "Attack failed"

def dhcp_msg(dev_name):
    r.recvuntil(b'> ')
    msg = whatever_mac + dhcp_mac + b'\x01' + dev_name
    return bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().rstrip().decode())

NUM_LEASES = 64 - 2

for i in range(NUM_LEASES - 2): # 2 leases were already taken
    ret =  dhcp_msg(b'lolada' + str(i).encode())

L1 = dhcp_msg(m1)

for i in range(NUM_LEASES - 1): # Rotate all leases
    ret =  dhcp_msg(b'loladaa' + str(i).encode())

L2 = dhcp_msg(m2) # Almost equal (so nonce is equal) but differ in last bytes

m1 = bytes.fromhex('c0a80102c0a80101ffffff0008080808080804044141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414100')
m2 = bytes.fromhex('c0a80102c0a80101ffffff0008080808080804044141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414200')

def extract(lease):
    src_mac = lease[:6]
    assert src_mac == dhcp_mac
    dst_mac = lease[6:12]
    assert dst_mac == whatever_mac
    msg = lease[12:]
    assert msg.startswith(b'\x02')
    pkt = msg[1:-4]
    ct = pkt[:-28]
    tag = pkt[-28:-12]
    nonce = pkt[-12:]
    return ct, tag, nonce

c1, t1, n1 = extract(L1)
c2, t2, n2 = extract(L2)

#K = 237684487542793012780631851008
print('blocks1:', get_blocks(c1))
print('blocks2:', get_blocks(c2))
K = get_blocks(c2)[2] - get_blocks(c1)[2] # Difference of c's
print('K=', K)

assert n1 == n2 # must use the same nonce for the attack to work
n = n1

# Some debug prints
print('m1=', m1.hex())
print('c1=', c1.hex())
print('t1=', t1.hex())
print('m2=', m2.hex())
print('c2=', c2.hex())
print('t2=', t2.hex())
print('nonce=', n.hex())

dns1 = '' # Our DNS server
dns2 = dns1
dns1 = bytes([int(x) for x in dns1.split(".")])
dns2 = bytes([int(x) for x in dns2.split(".")])

m3 = b'\xc0\xa8\x01\x02\xc0\xa8\x01\x01\xff\xff\xff\x00' + dns1 + dns2 + b'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB\x00'

c3, t3 = atk((m1, c1, t1), (m2, c2, t2), n, m3)
forged_lease  = b'\x02' + c3 + t3 + n + calc_crc(m3)

flagserver_pkt = whatever_mac + flag_mac + forged_lease

r.sendline(b'0300') # Get the flag

while 1:


Finally, after being able to change the dns.nameservers variable, we get the flag.

Flag: PCTF{d0nt_r3u5e_th3_n0nc3_d4839ed727736624}

DHCPPP, PlaidCTF 2024
Published at