This writeup is also present in my team’s website here.
Investigation Title. DHCPPP
Reporter. anish
Type. Dance Competition
Description. The local latin dance company is hosting a comp. They have a million-dollar wall of lava lamps and prizes so big this must be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Hypotheses. It's not DNS // There's no way it's DNS // It was DNS
nc dhcppp.chal.pwni.ng 1337
We are presented a server using
. We need to change the value of the variabledns.nameservers
, but we can only do that by sending an encrypted message.The
are both reused, allowing us to create valid tags for any message and therefore encrypt messages.
Code Analysis
This server allows us to connect to a TCP connection and send packets:
if __name__ == "__main__":
dhcp = DHCPServer()
flagserver = FlagServer(dhcp)
while True:
pkt = bytes.fromhex(input("> ").replace(" ", "").strip())
out = dhcp.process_pkt(pkt)
if out is not None:
out = flagserver.process_pkt(pkt)
if out is not None:
Each packet will be processed by the DHCPServer
and FlagServer
and the responses are printed out.
The server constructor defines a list of IP addresses, a MAC address, a geteway IP, among others.
def __init__(self):
self.leases = []
self.ips = [f"192.168.1.{i}" for i in range(3, 64)]
self.mac = bytes.fromhex("1b 7d 6f 49 37 c9")
self.gateway_ip = ""
self.leases.append(("", b"rngserver_0", time.time(), []))
To process each packet, we have:
def process_pkt(self, pkt):
assert pkt is not None
src_mac = pkt[:6]
dst_mac = pkt[6:12]
msg = pkt[12:]
if dst_mac != self.mac:
return None
if src_mac == self.mac:
return None
if len(msg) and msg.startswith(b"\x01"):
# lease request
dev_name = msg[1:]
lease_resp = self.get_lease(dev_name)
return (
self.mac +
src_mac + # dest mac
return None
Therefore, in order to get a response, msg
must start with \x01
. The content of dev_name
is passed to the function get_lease
def get_lease(self, dev_name):
if len(self.ips) != 0:
ip = self.ips.pop(0)
self.leases.append((ip, dev_name, time.time(), []))
# relinquish the oldest lease
old_lease = self.leases.pop(0)
ip = old_lease[0]
self.leases.append((ip, dev_name, time.time(), []))
pkt = bytearray(
bytes([int(x) for x in ip.split(".")]) +
bytes([int(x) for x in self.gateway_ip.split(".")]) +
bytes([255, 255, 255, 0]) +
bytes([8, 8, 8, 8]) +
bytes([8, 8, 4, 4]) +
dev_name +
pkt = b"\x02" + encrypt_msg(pkt, self.get_entropy_from_lavalamps()) + calc_crc(pkt)
return pkt
The functions appends dev_name
into the leases
list, takes the next IP
from the ips
list and uses that to generate a packet. The packet is then encrypted using the result from get_entropy_from_lavalamps
as a key and a CRC code at the end:
def get_entropy_from_lavalamps(self):
# Get entropy from all available lava-lamp RNG servers
# Falling back to local RNG if necessary
entropy_pool = RNG_INIT
for ip, name, ts, tags in self.leases:
if b"rngserver" in name:
# get entropy from the server
output = requests.get(f"http://{ip}/get_rng", timeout=TIMEOUT).text
entropy_pool += sha256(output.encode())
# if the server is broken, get randomness from local RNG instead
entropy_pool += sha256(secrets.token_bytes(512))
return sha256(entropy_pool)
We noticed that if the name of the lease doesn’t cointain rngserver
, then the result will always be the same, since RNG_INIT
is fixed. This ended up beeing the source of the vulnerability.
This server is very similar to the one before.
def __init__(self, dhcp):
self.mac = bytes.fromhex("53 79 82 b5 97 eb")
self.dns = dns.resolver.Resolver()
The flag is used when msg
starts with \x03
def send_flag(self):
with open("flag.txt", "r") as f:
flag = f.read().strip()
curl("example.com", f"/{flag}", self.dns)
def process_pkt(self, pkt):
assert pkt is not None
src_mac = pkt[:6]
dst_mac = pkt[6:12]
msg = pkt[12:]
if dst_mac != self.mac:
return None
if src_mac == self.mac:
return None
if len(msg) and msg.startswith(b"\x02"):
# lease response
pkt = msg[1:-4]
pkt = decrypt_msg(pkt)
crc = msg[-4:]
assert crc == calc_crc(pkt)
self.ip = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[0:4])
self.gateway_ip = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[4:8])
self.subnet_mask = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[8:12])
self.dns1 = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[12:16])
self.dns2 = ".".join(str(x) for x in pkt[16:20])
self.dns.nameservers = [self.dns1, self.dns2]
assert pkt.endswith(b"\x00")
print("[FLAG SERVER] [DEBUG] Got DHCP lease", self.ip, self.gateway_ip, self.subnet_mask, self.dns1, self.dns2)
return None
elif len(msg) and msg.startswith(b"\x03"):
# FREE FLAGES!!!!!!!
return None
return None
The flag is sent to http://example.com/<flag>
. The domain example.com
is resolved using the dns
object. Then, we must gain control of the nameserver of dns
, so that example.com
resolves to a URL controlled by us, sending us the flag.
In order to change the dns.nameservers
, we must send a message that starts with \x02
. However, we cannot send our message directly, since it seems to be encrypted.
The server uses ChaCha20-Poly1305
. We noticed that the nonce is equal to sha256(msg[:32] + nonce[:32])[:12]
. However, we control msg
, and the nonce
is the result of get_entropy_from_lavalamps
, therefore we can ensure that the nonce is always the same and use a reused-nonce attack.
We need to find a way of generating a valid tag for the encrypted message we want to send to FlagServer
works by creating a polynomial over , with prime .
where the ‘s are the bytes of the message to be authenticated in 16-byte blocks.
The tag is then generated as:
where are the secret key values.
However, in our case, we can encrypt with constant key and nonce, therefore:
To get rid of :
with . The possible values for each are small due to the fact that . In order to get eliminate ,
Therefore we can test the possible values and solve for . By looking at the source code of the ChaCha20-Poly1305
libraries, we also added one extra test for r
: r & 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff == r
, as r
is clamped before being used.
Once we know , we know , since
Having this, we can then forge a valid tag for any message of our choice and therefore change the dns.nameservers
variable and get the flag.
Solve Script
from pwn import *
import hashlib
import requests
import zlib
from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20_Poly1305
import random
from Crypto.Util.number import *
context.log_level = 'critical'
r = remote('dhcppp.chal.pwni.ng',1337)
#r = process('./server.py')
data = r.recvline().decode()[:-1]
data = data.split(' ')
flag_mac = bytes.fromhex("53 79 82 b5 97 eb")
dhcp_mac = bytes.fromhex("1b 7d 6f 49 37 c9")
whatever_mac = bytes.fromhex("00 00 00 00 00 00")
def calc_crc(msg):
return zlib.crc32(msg).to_bytes(4, "little")
P = 2**130- 5
def get_blocks(c):
c = c + bytes.fromhex('000000000000000000002e00000000000000')
real_c = []
for i in range(0, len(c), 16):
block = c[i:i+16]
block = block + b'\x01'
assert len(block) == 17
real_c.append(int.from_bytes(block, byteorder='little'))
return real_c
def tag(c, r, s):
mod2 = 2**128
real_c = get_blocks(c)
c = real_c
n = len(c)
res = 0
for i in range(n):
res += c[i]
res = (r*res) % P
return (res + s) % mod2
def atk(pair1, pair2, nonce, m3):
m1, c1, t1 = pair1
m2, c2, t2 = pair2
t1 = int.from_bytes(t1, byteorder='little')
t2 = int.from_bytes(t2, byteorder='little')
keystream = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(c1, m1))
c3 = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(m3, keystream))
for k1 in range(5):
for k2 in range(5):
t1_ = t1 + k1*2**128
t2_ = t2 + k2*2**128
deltat1 = (t2_-t1_)
for i in range(4):
guess = pow((deltat1 * inverse(K, P)), inverse(i, P-1), P)
if guess & 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff == guess and guess != 1:
r = guess
print('Found r:', r)
s = tag(c1, r, 0) - t1
t3 = tag(c3, r, s)
t3 = long_to_bytes(t3)[::-1]
return c3, t3
assert False, "Attack failed"
def dhcp_msg(dev_name):
r.recvuntil(b'> ')
msg = whatever_mac + dhcp_mac + b'\x01' + dev_name
return bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().rstrip().decode())
NUM_LEASES = 64 - 2
for i in range(NUM_LEASES - 2): # 2 leases were already taken
ret = dhcp_msg(b'lolada' + str(i).encode())
L1 = dhcp_msg(m1)
for i in range(NUM_LEASES - 1): # Rotate all leases
ret = dhcp_msg(b'loladaa' + str(i).encode())
L2 = dhcp_msg(m2) # Almost equal (so nonce is equal) but differ in last bytes
m1 = bytes.fromhex('c0a80102c0a80101ffffff0008080808080804044141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414100')
m2 = bytes.fromhex('c0a80102c0a80101ffffff0008080808080804044141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414200')
def extract(lease):
src_mac = lease[:6]
assert src_mac == dhcp_mac
dst_mac = lease[6:12]
assert dst_mac == whatever_mac
msg = lease[12:]
assert msg.startswith(b'\x02')
pkt = msg[1:-4]
ct = pkt[:-28]
tag = pkt[-28:-12]
nonce = pkt[-12:]
return ct, tag, nonce
c1, t1, n1 = extract(L1)
c2, t2, n2 = extract(L2)
#K = 237684487542793012780631851008
print('blocks1:', get_blocks(c1))
print('blocks2:', get_blocks(c2))
K = get_blocks(c2)[2] - get_blocks(c1)[2] # Difference of c's
print('K=', K)
assert n1 == n2 # must use the same nonce for the attack to work
n = n1
# Some debug prints
print('m1=', m1.hex())
print('c1=', c1.hex())
print('t1=', t1.hex())
print('m2=', m2.hex())
print('c2=', c2.hex())
print('t2=', t2.hex())
print('nonce=', n.hex())
dns1 = '' # Our DNS server
dns2 = dns1
dns1 = bytes([int(x) for x in dns1.split(".")])
dns2 = bytes([int(x) for x in dns2.split(".")])
m3 = b'\xc0\xa8\x01\x02\xc0\xa8\x01\x01\xff\xff\xff\x00' + dns1 + dns2 + b'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB\x00'
c3, t3 = atk((m1, c1, t1), (m2, c2, t2), n, m3)
forged_lease = b'\x02' + c3 + t3 + n + calc_crc(m3)
flagserver_pkt = whatever_mac + flag_mac + forged_lease
r.sendline(b'0300') # Get the flag
while 1:
Finally, after being able to change the dns.nameservers
variable, we get the flag.
Flag: PCTF{d0nt_r3u5e_th3_n0nc3_d4839ed727736624}